
LOur company is ready to conclude contracts for the lease of workers and employment of graduates of the center in European countries.
We issue work permits for graduates of the center, issue all the necessary documents for work. In agreement with employers, we provide accommodation for workers.

Formulate your application for specialists:
— how many specialists do you need
— what specialty
— what qualifications
— with what work experience
— for what period
— with what level of payment
— what conditions are provided — accommodation, etc.

Submit an application

Selection is the first stage of our work
— we select suitable candidates
— we attach confirmation of qualifications
— we attach a description of work experience
— if necessary, we conduct a video interview
— if necessary, a video presentation of skills

After selecting suitable specialists, the paperwork is completed — the second stage of our work.

-we prepare a package of documents necessary for the specialist’s work (invitation, visa, work permit, medical insurance)
— we conclude an agreement between our agency and your company for the provision of a specialist (the basic agreement can be downloaded here)
— we provide transportation of the specialist to your country.

Timeframe: from receiving the application to the arrival of the specialist from 2 to 3 months.

Accompanying the specialist is the third stage of our work.
Consulting and legal support of the specialist during the entire time of his stay in your company.